My Story

Today, I can talk about the vast portfolio of businesses I've led to success. I can talk about my real estate empire and my international brands that bring in anywhere from 7 to 8 figures a year.
But it wasn't always like that…
When I graduated from college I thought I had it all figured out. I got a job in finance and was fired from my first job out of college.
I made mistake after mistake, I got a DUI. I alienated people because I was embarrassed about what was going on in my life. But even when things were at their worst, I NEVER quit… I used those mistakes to motivate me, to fuel my desire to prove people wrong, to push myself beyond my limits.
I decided I wasn't satisfied with a 9-to-5 paying job. I decided it was time to build something for myself, to put “Rivero” up in lights some day. I knew I had to start a business.
But with no capital, I had to compromise. I'd work in finance just long enough to put money away for my first venture.
It started with affiliate marketing. While I was working, I learned everything I possibly could about affiliate marketing and how to sell other brands' products and services for as little out of pocket as possible. That was the first step: self-education.
No one is going to be successful on accident…
I was JUST like YOU… I scoured the internet for marketing gurus & I learned by trial and error. I took free courses and wrote every word down. I became an expert on affiliate marketing before I even THOUGHT about selling anything.
Then, when the time came to build my first campaign, I got my first taste of REAL success.
I still remember that feeling, like I could ACTUALLY make a living as my own boss.
And since that first campaign, I never worked for another person for the rest of my life.
Over the last 16 years I've built brands that have done hundreds of millions in sales over the years, and have given thousands of people jobs.
I've learned to scale & grow business in EVERY industry. I've learned to use every platform to promote my brands and services. And I've learned to never stop - NEVER be satisfied.
Today, almost 2 decades after being fired, I realized that was the best thing to ever happen to me.
ALL of these life experiences have led me here, in the unique position to help you reach your business goals and break free of the 9-to-5 grind.
Now I have an opportunity to help people who were just like me succeed. Now I have the ability to partner with innovators or help startups get their funding.
Now we have an entire suite of services to help E-commerce companies scale & grow like they never thought they could.
From manufacturing, to fulfillment, to creative marketing and beyond. We WANT to help more business thrive. We WANT to help more entrepreneurs live their dream lives. We want to help ANY business - any size, industry, or experience level - to reach shatter goals and generate record revenues year over year.
If you need a business partner, funding or want to take your business to the next level we can help.
Fill out this form and we will reach out to you personally.
Remember, I've been where you are. I've been the person looking for a mentor with only and idea and a dream. I know what it takes to make it happen and I'm here to make it happen for you…